Mental Health, Wellbeing and Physical Health
Social, Emotional & Mental Health
The NCSF Trust is committed to promoting the social, emotional & mental health (SEMH) needs and wellbeing of all pupils.
We aim to:-
- Promote a positive outlook for children with SEMH needs.
- Eliminate prejudice towards children with SEMH needs.
- Promote equal opportunities for all
- Ensure all children with SEMH needs are identified and supported effectively
Nurture & Emotional Support Team (NEST)
Our NEST team offers SEMH support to pupils, staff and parents. This includes:-
- individual or group support including Nurture support
- ensuring children have access to Emotionally Available Adults
- 1:1, group or class interventions
- therapeutic support including play therapy
- staff training
- parent meetings and training
Promoting Children's Emotional Wellbeing
NCSF Trust schools offer emotional wellbeing to pupils through the use of:-
- Daily Check-ins including the use of the Zones of RegulationTM
- Circle times promoting relationship building
- Conflict resolution circles
- Problem solving circles
- Pupil surveys
- Gloucestershire Healthy Living & Learning Award
Physical Wellbeing
NCSF Trust schools offer physical wellbeing through:-
- Physical Education lessons using Active Sports
- Active Blast - Physical playtimes
- NCSF Sports festivals & fixtures
- After school clubs
- Forest school